“There’s a revolution going on… The present era in neuroscience is comparable to the time
when Louis Pasteur first found that germs cause disease.”
Candace Pert, Neurochemist
For decades, I have worked with Brain States and Peak Performance. It’s a fascinating never-ending exploration. Here is background information on brain waves / brain states, which can be applied to both leadership styles / behaviors and consciousness. To remember them easily, think up to BAT for a homerun: B = Beta, A = Alpha, T = Theta. I’ll discuss them here briefly and provide more how-to info about them in various blogs.

Brainwaves are the rhythm of the brain. They are electrical signals or patterns generated by brain cells (neurons) and other brain structures. When a large
number of neurons beat together in synchrony, they create a strong rhythm – pattern – signal – wave.
Electrical monitoring equipment – EEGs (electroencephalographs) measure the signals in cycles per second (cps) called hertz (Hz) and graphically chart them – EEG brain mapping.
* A thin line means faster brainwaves (beta)
* A curving / spiking line means slower brainwaves (alpha)
* “Lazy” lines mean “altered” and unconscious

The High Beta brainwave state — from 29 to 35 Hz — is the brainwave state of drama, anxiety and stress. This state boosts the production of adrenaline which is needed in dangerous situations that require physical action. However, it also boosts the production of cortisol, which suppresses the immune system. Experiencing long periods of High Beta leads to stress related diseases such as obesity, sleep disorders, heart disease, depression, stomach problems, and diabetes.
High Beta and Leadership:
This state is rarely productive, as it creates / perpetuates drama and leads to impulsive action.
High Beta and Consciousness:
This state blocks connection to Spirit, which requires “altered states”.
The Beta brainwave state — from 14 to 28 Hz — is the state of normal waking consciousness — logical thought, analysis, concentration, alertness, problem solving, and action. You are in beta most of your waking hours—when you are thinking, speaking, and doing, and when you are reading this blog. In beta, you discern, analyze, compare, judge, and criticize.

Beta and Leadership:
This state is necessary for good leadership when logical communication, critical thinking and strategy are needed.
Beta and Consciousness:
This state blocks connection to Spirit, which requires “altered states”.

The Alpha brainwave state — from 3.5 to 14 Hz — is the state of relaxation, calm, positive emotion — letting your mind wander, daydreaming, bathing/ showering, meditating, praying, letting go, dissolving into the environment, drifting off to sleep. You may experience an altered sense of time, free association, and extrasensory perception.
Alpha is a state of healing and freedom from pain. It boosts the production of serotonin, the natural antidepressant, which supports well-being. Healing on all levels — mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual — occurs in alpha, theta, and delta.
Alpha and Leadership:
This state is necessary for EQ (emotional intelligence), relating to employees, creating environmental safety, being creative and innovative, etc.
Alpha and Consciousness:
This state is the first doorway to connection to Spirit. You may experience an altered sense of time, free association, and extrasensory perception.
The Theta brainwave state — from 3.5 to 8 Hz — is the state of deep meditation, sleep and sleep-like states, and dreaming. You can be in theta awake – in deep reverie with quietness of body, mind, and emotions. This waking state is associated with creative people and long term
meditators. This is the state of psychoimmunology – healing with the mind. Theta resets potassium and sodium ion ratios in the body, and boosts catecholamines which are vital for memory and learning.

Theta and Leadership:
This state is intuition and insights about situations and problem solving.
Theta and Consciousness:
This is the state of deep meditation and connection to Spirit. It is the state of guidance / messages from Spirit.

The Delta brainwave state — below 4 Hz — is the brainwave state of deep dreamless sleep, a deep trancelike nonphysical state. It stimulates the pituitary gland, which triggers the release of the human growth hormone, melatonin, and DHEA. It is a renewing and rebuilding state.
Little is known about this state relates to consciousness.
Delta and Consciousness:
This is the state of no boundaries – oneness – remote viewing and healing. Some believe it is the doorway to viewing the past and future.
To learn about recognizing / changing brain states, See the Brain States Training blog.
© Teri Mahaney, PhD
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