If you have tried meditation and it hasn’t worked for you, it may be because
your meditation technique was in conflict with your personal style (see the
blog on Meditation by Personal Style).
If your personal – learning – cognitive style is kinesthetic / feeling, look for
those meditation techniques. Give yourself permission to try different
“feeling” techniques until you find the one(s) that work best for you.
Kinesthetic / feeling learners
* are tactile
* process information through touch and movement
* prefer being active participants over passive observers
* use trial and error over information and instructions
This means the best approach for feelers is to design a meditation practice
around touch and movement and to be a participant in the process.
Various techniques are listed below for touch and movement. Many are
common and have lots of info about them online, often with videos.
A string of 108 beads, they have been used for over 3,000 years to help focus the mind during meditation and mindfulness practice. Choose a “mantra/prayer” to say 108 times, andeach time you say it, move one bead
A string of beads with 5 sets of 10 beads for saying Catholic prayers, with very specific instructions from the Church.
Before Meditation:
Starting with your feet, tense for 10 seconds and relax for 10 seconds.
Move up your body muscle group by muscle group. Include your hands and arms.
Before Meditation: Rub the top of your head. Using 2-3 fingers,
* tap several times on the middle of your forehead
* tap several times below your lower lip
* tap several times on your heart
You can combine this with affirmations (these or your own)
While rubbing the top of the head: I AM aligned with Spirit
While tapping the forehead: I AM conscious
While tapping the lower lip: I speak my power with grace
While tapping the heart: I have compassion for myself and others Breathe deeply.
Begin your meditation.
(adapted from a meditation by Thema Azize Serwa)
Before Meditation:
Cross your arms across your chest and hug yourself.
Rub your arms.
Rub your thighs.
Rub your torso.
Breathe deeply.
Begin meditation.
You can combine this activation with affirmations , saying each 3 times (these or your own)
Arm Cross: I am safe and secure today and everyday
Self-Hug: I love and accept myself
Arm Rub: I embrace life and live fully
Thigh Rub: I move forward in Divine right action
Torso Rub: I am fulfilled in all healthy ways
Move your body rhythmically back and forth, or in a circular motion
(this often happens spontaneously when I am chanting)
Do Yoga
Do Tai Chi
Do Qi Gong
Choose a technique to practice several times.
Then choose another one to practice several times – then another – then
Identify the best one(s) for you.