Conscious Leader

Consciousness Tools & Techniques

Intuition – for Visuals

Intuitive messages accessed through seeing – visual messages – are easy to recognize. They are images, pictures, colors, symbols… Being a visual may be part of your Noetic Signature.

If most of these characteristics are true for you, you are most likely a see-er –
a visual.
I buy shoes that are just the right style or color
I have an internal TV screen that flashes words and images in my mind
I have a good sense of time
I can’t watch movies out of focus
I review my options in pictures before deciding
I am good with spatial and depth perception
I can find my way back to a place I have been before
When pushed to change my mind, I say no until I have formed a new picture
I am good at future planning
I often “see” the end of the project before I begin
I daydream in pictures

Intuition Techniques for Visuals

Keep an intuition journal – writing the questions, answers and outcomes.
1. To begin easily, choose a yes or no question you’d like answered.
2. Write the question down and date it.
3. Arrange a place / time you won’t be interrupted.
4. Set the intention to get a higher order answer.
4. Get relaxed and receptive (in the alpha or theta brain state).
5. Close your eyes.
6. Ask yourself the question.
7. With your eyes closed, focus on the center of your forehead.
8. Note any images you see.
9. Open your eyes and write down or draw the pictures.
10. Give gratitude for the experience.

Some responses may be clear, like seeing a person or event. Others may take time to learn their significant for you. Keeping a journal will help with the process of identifying your Noetic Signature.

With practice, this becomes automatic and can be done spontaneously at any time in any setting.

Of course, the messages are only as good as their source. The higher the source, the more valuable the message. Being emotionally involved can distort the message. Be neutral when receiving the message: be analytical when evaluating it.

1. Ask:
* Does this align with me?
* Does this make sense for me?
* Is this for the highest and best good?

2. If you can’t decide the answers to these questions, ask for clarification of the message:
* How will this benefit me / others?

3. Journal It:
* Record the message
* Record your action
* Assess the results

When I receive an undesirable message, I work with my consciousness tools and techniques to shift it. Generally, I can “get out in front of it” and create a different outcome by changing my own actions.

If you believe the future is a spectrum of possibilities, then Intuition provides a sense of what is most probable. You can “get out in front” of that probability by owning your authority and feeling autonomous. Take action that (1) supports a desirable message, or (2) creates an “intervention” that changes an undesirable message. Prayer is a simple and easy tool for this.

Integrating intuition into your life is a game-changer. Enjoy It!

@ Teri Mahaney, PhD
* Mentoring and Master Classes are available with Dr. T personally. For info,Contact her here

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* Dr. T’s MP3s are available at
   Her recommendations for this topic are:

Claim Your Personal Power
Accept Change & Face Your Future
Love Yourself
Ground Your Spirituality
Transcend Cause & Effect
Trust Your Guidance
Manifest With Ease

Join me on your journey