Purpose – Spiritual / Soul
(See the blog on Purpose – Personality) Buckminster Fuller spoke about our limited understanding of our purpose, comparing us to honey bees. A bee’s purpose
(See the blog on Purpose – Personality) Buckminster Fuller spoke about our limited understanding of our purpose, comparing us to honey bees. A bee’s purpose
Intuitive messages accessed through sensing – knowing messages – are the most challenging to recognize and acknowledge. They are a sense of knowing without any
Intuitive messages accessed through seeing – visual messages – are easy to recognize. They are images, pictures, colors, symbols… Being a visual may be part
Intuitive messages accessed through hearing – audio messages – are easy to recognize. Listeners / audios “hear” words, musical fragments, noises… Being an Audio may
If you’re in a leadership position and / or have had communication training, you are probably aware of active listening principles: * listen to understand
Gnosis is the direct personal experience of Spirit. It is an internal knowing. Some common methods to “be more conscious” – to experience Spirit directly,
“Don’t make it hard!” is my mantra for graduate research classes! My students get non-stop emphasis on developing “researcher mind” – the ability to ask
Yesterday, I spent most of the day at the nearby mountainous Zen Buddhist monastery. The sangha – a collection of about 100 nuns, monks and
If you have tried meditation and it hasn’t worked for you, it may be because your meditation technique was in conflict with your personal style
If you have tried meditation and it hasn’t worked for you, it may be because your meditation technique was in conflict with your personal style
If you have tried meditation and it hasn’t worked for you, it may be because your meditation technique was in conflict with your personal style