Conscious Leader

Category: Consciousness Tools & Techniques

Intuition for Knowers

Intuitive messages accessed through sensing – knowing messages – are the most challenging to recognize and acknowledge. They are a sense of knowing without any

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Intuition – for Visuals

Intuitive messages accessed through seeing – visual messages – are easy to recognize. They are images, pictures, colors, symbols… Being a visual may be part

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Intuition for Audios

Intuitive messages accessed through hearing – audio messages – are easy to recognize. Listeners / audios “hear” words, musical fragments, noises… Being an Audio may

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Intuition for Feelers

If you’re in a leadership position and / or have had communication training, you are probably aware of active listening principles: * listen to understand

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Gnosis – Brain States

Gnosis is the direct personal experience of Spirit. It is an internal knowing. Some common methods to “be more conscious” – to experience Spirit directly,

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Researcher Mind

“Don’t make it hard!” is my mantra for graduate research classes! My  students get non-stop emphasis on developing “researcher mind” – the ability  to ask

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