Conscious Leader

Category: Leadership Skills & Abilities

Inquiry – Genentech

While I was doing a consulting job in Silicon Valley, I got invited to sit in on a high-end team building training for Genentech. The

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Inquiry – SWOT

SWOT evolved out of a Stanford University study of Fortune 500 companies that had a 35% gap between the company objectives and their employee actions.

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Inquiry – Deming

W. Edwards Deming is considered the father of the quality control movement. A statistician, educator, and consultant, his quality-control methods for industrial production aided Japan’s

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Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is the inner conflict between our thoughts and beliefs and new information / experiences, especially when the differences between them threatens our self

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Researcher Mind

“Don’t make it hard!” is my mantra for graduate research classes! My  students get non-stop emphasis on developing “researcher mind” – the ability  to ask

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Shared Vision – Guidelines

Peter Senge’s holistic approach to organizational change created a leadership“movement” that I see echoed in many books, articles, posts… His book, The Fifth Discipline, The

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